Mostly known on the international music scene as a member of legendary Canadian prog-trash metal band and Juno Award-Winning (Best Metal/Hard album of the year "The Wake" 2019) VOIVOD (2008-) and as co-founder frontman of prog-death cult band MARTYR (1990-2012) . Dan Mongrain is a professional musician (guitarist), composer, arranger, lyricist and college music teacher.
At 12 years old he bought his first guitar and started to play shows and teach the guitar at age 14. Since the mid 90’s Dan played with over a hundred formations and accompanied numerous artists in a wide array of musical genres. From Blues, Country, Jazz, Pop, Rock, to the most mind boggling intricate extreme music. His passion for music,work and improvement led him to be a very versatile player.
Dan soon forged his unique fluid and intricate soloing style and complex composition through his first band “Martyr” at the age of 14. He became to play many gigs locally at first,expanding his musical horizon which led him eventually to the Montreal Metal scene collaborating with bands like Gorguts (2000-2001)and touring with Cryptopsy (2005) and Voivod (2008- present) the later with which he performed in over 35 coutries . Not only Dan worked a lot in the metal scene as a band member and as a guest soloist, but also in the pop/rock scene of Montreal, playing TV shows, clubs,theatres with famous local artists (Dan Bigras, Breen Leboeuf, Bruno Pelletier (Dracula Musical) and many more…) in a wide variety of musical genres.
Graduate of bachelor degree from the Jazz Interpretation program at University of Montreal (2007), Dan teaches Jazz-Pop theory, harmony and transcription classes as well as technology labs, Combo (band coaching) and of course individual guitar lessons in college at Cegep Régional de Joliette (Quebec,Canada) since 2006 and teaches private lessons since over 25 years. He Also Taught at Cirque Du Soleil to Gina Gleason (guitar,Now with Baroness) in pre-production for Las Vegas Michael Jackson Show “One” and (Shani Kimelman) for the same show and more for other shows (Crystal).
Dan also have a few side projects including prog-rock tribute band JURASSIC ROCK and as an active freelancer on the music scene around Montreal…or anywhere music may lead to.
Dan also is a 2 times JUNO awards winner as a member and composer of VOIVOD for the Album "The Wake" (2019) and The Album "Synchro Anarchy" (2022) for Best Metal/Hard Album of the Year (CANADA), making the last 2 records winning this award consecutively.
Dan is endorsed by :
BondInstruments guitars
Dimarzio PIckups
Graph Tech hardware:
D'addario Strings :
Lapointe Amps :
*See discography & Career sections for further informations about Dan’s current and past work.
1 Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier Head
1 Marshall JCM 800 Head
4X12 Mashall CAB
1 TC electronic Nova System
1 Greenwood Overdrive Pedal (custom made in Montreal)
1 Expression Pedal (ErnieBall)
1 Bond Instruments Dan "Chewy" Mongrain Signature Model
2 Railhammer Pickups model: Alnico Grande Bridge and Neck
1 Boss Tuner Pedal
Intune "Chewy" (Voivod) Signature picks 1mm
1 Mesa Boogie Mark V head
1 Mesa Boogie 2X12 closed Cab
1 Marshall 4X12 Cab
1 Vaudoo Lab Ground Control midi pedal board
1 Dunlop WahWah Van Halen signature model (turned up it was the only available at the store when I needed one)
2 Roland Volume/Expression Pedals (one for volume, one for effects)
1 boss Tuner TU-12h
1 Vaudoo Lab GCX loop, rack mount.
1 Holy Grail Reverb
1 Eventide TimeFactor
1 Eventide ModFactor
1 Greenwood Pedal (custom made in Montreal)
1 Boss Blues Driver Pedal
1 Clean Boost (can't remember the brand)
1 Boss Noise Gate (don't use it unless its very noisy)
I change pedals every now and then, will update list when I do.
1 Gibson Les Paul Classic sunburst,20??
1 Fender American Special Stratocaster, sunburst
1 Fender Thinline Telecaster reissue,natural finish
1 Larrivée Acoustic
1 Epiphone Joe pass Model
1 Godin Multiac Nylon SA
1 Fender Bass VI (with I will use eventually)
The Bond Instrument Dan "Chewy" Mongrain signature model guitar, I exclusively use with Voivod or any Metal Project I may play with
Guitars that I don't use but still have:
1 Jackson Warrior, neckthru (Japan) red
1 Profile stratocaster (my first electric Guitar... it's destroyed)
1 Liberatore Chewy Model Black tainted
1 Liberatore Explorer, mahogany